Words shared with my niece who was away from home and missing her family during the Holidays. I think this is apt for so many of us now. I hope it has meaning for you, too. —Deborah
You are always at the right place in the right time.
You could have no greater experience than simply being you.
You can never be left behind. Not for long. For you are always in the hearts and minds of others. Those who gave birth to you and raised you, and those who tenderly loved you through all your youthful years. And love you now, undisputedly. You know who they are, yet there are those you do not know about. Those who mercifully and lovingly look down on you from above, from their haven of light, of love, and shed that on you, bestow more of that on you, so that you should never be lonely, never be cast down, but be happy.
Now, there is the challenge—how to be happy when you look around you and can find things to be unhappy about—perhaps the distance of friends and loved ones. Perhaps you feel at times overburdened and alone, but you are never alone, not really, my child.
You could know no greater love. You could have no greater experience than simply being you. Now at Christmas, or at any time really, you need never wonder where you are, what you are doing or whether you are loved, for you are always at the right place in the right time.
Remember always how much you are loved, and let that shine a light into your darkness whenever you feel it come calling at your door. You don’t have to let darkness in. You can decide to be abundant light yourself, shining out to others whose doors are similarly bolted against the night, against the loneliness, against the worry and the separation. No, that ‘s not you. For you are a wonder. You are strong. You are a vision to behold. That is you, the wonderful child in all that you do.
Draw near and hear our words. You are loved beyond your wildest imaginings, and you are never alone, though you might think you are. For you are connected to all that is connected in the whole of the entire universe, and that is saying a lot.
Now on this Christmas, we wish to say this to you:
Our child, our tenderest child, for that is you! Take heart, and place your hand in the hands of those who love you, who are above you somewhere in the heavens, if you want to look at it that way. Go out and look at the stars, and you will see us. Close your eyes, and you will discern us. We are just a glance and a thought away. We are so near, we are closer than touch, but we care just as deeply. That is the part that is important. Don’t tell us you do not feel the care, the light, and love all around you wherever you are. Simply look, my child and look some more! You will see us, and you will see all you ever need to see, even in your hours of greatest need. That is our Christmas message and gift to you.
Now, read this carefully and slowly. Let the dawn bring you joys forever, for that is what you deserve! You are never alone, but always accompanied. Now isn’t that good news? We embrace all there is about you, and we love and honor what you bring to your table of life. We love that you make others smile, and that you bring so much of the light within you to the lives of others. So your gifts are our gifts back at you. Can you begin to understand that—that what you bring lights the world, so that we may light it back at you? That is how it all works, my child.
We hope you appreciate this message, and we have offered to be of help. If you need proof that we exist, we are resident in the many books we are currently writing through Deborah. Why not give them a look sometime?
Our dearest one, look into the mirror of your own soul, and be so pleased as we are of you, our dearest child and offspring of the universe and all of God’s light, too. Light your life as you do others. That is our recommendation and joyful message to you, united in this time of rejoicing … Christmas, or any other holiday you wish to insert there.
For we are ever there, celebrating with you.
Your loving teachers