A parable …

Now, there was a lonely tree in a field. Christmas dawned and it wanted to be of service. It made itself known simply by being there — serene, beautiful and calm. A postcard, if you will, and winter scene to surpass many others. Walking into the village on Christmas morning, I noticed it and was quite taken, so I approached. A sparrow sitting atop the tree had made its home there, and you could say was it’s best friend, being appreciative of the shelter and all the comforts of home generously provided. It called out to me. “Hallooo, my friend, on this Christmas morn! Why would you pass us by? Here we are before you with snow-dappled branches reaching toward you, and I’m here singing for all I’m worth. But pass us by you do! Yet today you have eyes for us because it’s snowing and it’s Christmas. Can’t you do better than that, my friend?”
I was taken aback and moved away, but reflected on the sparrow’s words. What thoughts and preoccupations prevented me from noticing what was in front of me? What have I missed?
So, I returned often to that tree and sat under it. I enjoyed the downy grass. I listened to the little sparrow who sang and told me tales under the stars, moon, and passing clouds. I wondered at all this beauty and how I could have missed it!
Now I take time to look, look, and look! I go places and drink in all the beauty around me. All this I must do before my days here end and I can see no more.
There is so much to see, do, and be … right here! I must make better use of my time. And I must offer my whole heart in all that I do for others. I must want to offer, and to give in the process. I am learning about that.
That is my Christmas gift for others … to realize what we bring to the table of life, and what we can give and give right now. Waiting for a season and waiting for an opportunity is not the way to go. Be here now, and sing like that little bird through all the days and nights, never letting an opportunity pass. Being where I need to be and being drawn there with my whole heart … that is my true work. I need not wait another day.
So rejoice, my friends. Find your tree of life and don’t tarry elsewhere when your tree awaits, growing strong and full. Your bird will guide you, too. You will hear its clarion call, whistle and tweet. You will approach, perhaps unsure at first, but ultimately with calm composure and assurance that all is well, and you are home … really home, where you nest in the arms of God and All that is. Now rest, my children. Take this holiday seriously and let it fill you with its love. Offer of your heart and drink from your cups deeply. And good cheer to you all.—Your teachers