“You don’t have to travel far to reach us, for we’re present in your day-to-day experiences.”
This blog is a way for us to reach you more directly. What fun it is to come to a place where ‘you’ are the focus … you are the source of our interest, inspiration, and work! Yes, it really does work that way!
We are here for you. In some ways we exist for you. Does that sound strange? We all keep each other going in this wide, wide universe. Never doubt that. Read on to connect with rich messages that we send to you. Never worry so much about who we are, as what we are bringing to you and the messages we bring to inspire you life. We don’t mean not to think about who we are, rather to operate from the place of receiving the news and messages we bring to attain greater happiness. When you feel better, you will know us better. Does that make sense? You cannot know that which you have not taken the time yet to know, to become closer to. Do you understand?
So, let all this percolate a while and you will see that we really are in this for you, and have your best outcomes in mind. We always teach with love.
Forgive us that this is an indirect kind of introduction to us that we provide here, but how could it be otherwise? Could you take the brightness and brilliance of us if you could see us? Could you take the powerful emissions from here that surround you and your planet each day. Simply know they are there. And it is love. That is all you really need to know at this starting place. We promise it will deepen and deepen profoundly for you. Keep reading and learning more. We invite you to test us. We love that.
If you are reading our words, and you are benefiting in some way, then it makes sense that we are not lying, but are telling you the truth. So if that is the case, then we must be doing our thing as teachers and working through Deborah to be of benefit to you. —- Your teachers