Last night, we were as if in a dream.
We dreamed that all humankind would be tolerant of each other and extend a helping hand wherever possible. That no stone would be left unturned to do a good deed, and think a good thought. That each one of you understood how connected you are to each other. When you are fed, nourished and blossom, so do others. When you starve, so do others, and vice versa, my friends. That is true, and will be true for all time. You cannot escape that.
So we dreamed of a better time and a better place, but the place we most want to enhance is where you stand now. This is where all the sweetest dreams are. They lie under your feet, so to speak, like rich greening grass that springs below your feet and wants to grow, and moves you forward softly and gently buffering your steps.
Why don’t you take advantage of all there is out there to help you in your journey? Why can’t our dreams come true? What holds you back, and what are you looking for instead?
We have witnessed far too much selfishness, grabbing at straws, hurting each other, and planning to do yet more hurt or damage to each other. So we ask, what’s in it for you? Do you think you succeed at something in circumstances where no one can truly succeed?
What is success anyway but knowing how to live, and then to live? We truly mean truly live, not in half light, and not in anxiety and worry, but truly live. That is what we offer you, if you have the ears to hear and eyes to see this.
We know that you worry, and we know that you pine. How could we not see that? Though we haven’t eyes, we are not blind. We see all that you are, and very importantly, all that you can be.
Now, why don’t you follow our few steps provided and loving advice given, and move into the life you came to experience? We just don’t get why you don’t do this. We have sent our emissaries and Deborah is one. How she walks with you! Her pain is yours, and you would resonate with her pain, we promise. She understands what is to have sadness, confusion, fear, and anxiety. Yet she stands before you ready to carry the flag of truth, and connect you to it through our messages which flow through her.
Don’t let another day pass where you don’t know how to live, or what to live for. What a waste! Let’s join hands and see what we can accomplish together. That would be worlds, my friend. Worlds, indeed!
Our simple, beautiful philosophy is given to you as a great gift, uniquely and lovingly designed to come to you in just the right way, so that you can hear and read what we mean, and how we love and care for you. We hope you will never want to stop reading it once you have started.
Bless you on this day that you came to read this. Let this light open your eyes, your heart, and your new awareness, and of coming things that will bless you yet more! –Your teachers.
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