Offering different thought
There is no offsetting the fervent thought you offer that something else can be true.

We are here for you as usual and wanting the best for you. But are you doing your part, too? When anxious worry overwhelms you, what are you offering as contrasting thought? Are you moving ahead with new or different ideas?
A case in point: say, you are overwhelmed with worry for the well-being of someone you know, and now he/she is unwell possibly due to the Covid virus. What are you to do? Will you move the world around and try to undo what is done? Or will you offer different, ample thought that registers as love, as a hug or embrace might do?
When you envelop what you are thinking … embrace what you are thinking with a new thought and offer that as hard as you do anything you feel fervently about, then you start to change things around. Do you understand?
There is no offsetting that powerful, fervent thought you offer that says, “Something different can also be true … that they will be well and go on flourishing as they have done.” You are the maker of these thoughts and the outcomes that go along with them. No, you don’t inhabit or change the experience of others, but you are a forceful agent just the same of any outcome where you apply the thought we are talking about.
You could think of yourself as an agent for change in that sense, but first you must change yourself.
What does that involve? Well, that is why we have written these many books for you to explore. You may need time to delve into these themes that, after all, challenge many of your current beliefs. Take the time, leisurely even, to explore the rich panorama, the array before you of ideas and concepts we are floating out to you. Then, dive deep and swim with broad, hard strokes to get where you want to go. The getting there isn’t always easy, but it is extremely satisfying, and then you are more awakened than ever before if that is what you are seeking.
We are very strident about these things when talking to Deborah who asks about these matters regularly. We are making the point that her worry and anxiety belong to her, not to the situation she is imagining or has in mind. Is that becoming clearer for you? We urge you to read and find out more about these topics of importance in your lives.
Lovingly assisting you – your teachers