Drawing your attention
We know how it important it is to be where you are.
We’re writing to you with what we hope will be frequent posts. So much depends on Deborah’s availability and we’re working on a schedule that makes sense. We know how important it is to be where you are. However, we want to draw your attention foremost to our books, for in them we have said so much … written down so much to guide you. You ask for guidance and we know you will benefit from it. So, why not take advantage of our books and read them all at this point, so you can get the big picture on all this and how it works.
Schools for learning. Deborah has also been thinking about types of schools or ways of learning this philosophy and what we are teaching. Some focus and mental discipline is needed — the kind we think you can relate to and fact would want — in applying a new philosophy and perspective, albeit tailored to you and for your benefit.
We’d like to invite you to share your ideas on how this learning could take place and in what contex — involving a physical setting or online, and how you would most like to experience learning in that context. What media would prefer? Feel free to contact us. Your thoughts mean a great deal to us and are after all what we are in the business of — forging a better experience with you! — your teachers