You have all too long been looking with eyes that are weary of what they see. There is so much more! So much more behind, inside and in between what you are seeing. What do we mean?
We mean that there is so much more out there and much, much more for you to explore. So why not get on with it? We would love that, and we will guide you in this journey if you will let us. We have nothing but love for you, at all times and all hours, our children. Why not read on and find out more about what we are teaching.
We have been reflecting on our recent post about where we, as your teachers, are and about the topic we introduced of “transfiguration.” We know that was a lot for you to bite into as new concepts, but we have much to teach you and prefer not to waste time, which indeed is precious there where you are. In part, because of how you waste it, or use it — not to full potency or measure — as you should be doing. Now, we are not into saying, “you should have” in the sense that we know all and you don’t. We simply have your best interests at heart.
We know when something will work for you, will resonate with you and bring you what it is you want. That, we hope, gives us some groundwork to begin to help and guide you to new destinations that, trust us, you really want to go to.
Now, more about transfiguration. Many of you have come across this word in other contexts, such as in churches or the Bible, but what does it mean? Are we talking about Jesus here, or any teacher or prophet for that matter, who appeared different as they were teaching the “Word” as you like to call it. And what happened to them after what you call “death?” Were they changed in appearance in some way? Were they lifted to some new realm, and on their way stopped by to say, “See how I have changed? I am not what I was just a short time ago, in the flesh and speaking with you. I am now in a new place, and my appearance reflects that?” Well, that is some of what we are saying, but not all. How could that be? Could you imagine such an immense subject being covered in a sentence or two? Well, it can be if you KNOW what you are talking about. But how many of you do?
We are not trying to be impolite, but trying to catch your attention and to get you to see what is in front of you most of the time: the truth or true reality about things. Now what would that be? And why don’t you already know what you need to know? Those are valid questions and we could write tomes about it. Hey, that is what we are doing. We are writing away, nearly every day, to give you more about this, and to hopefully awaken you into the bargain. You understand?
When we write that we have something important to teach you, we are not kidding and look forward to broaching new topics and offering you more and more about each subject until you feel you are “old hands” at it. That’s what we would like to see and experience. That’s what makes it all worthwhile for us. If even one of you understands, then that is groundbreaking you could say, so that others can begin to follow, listen and learn. Next, they experiment and test what we are teaching. Next, they see that they like the results they are getting, and then “whoosh!” we have contact, of the very best and truest kind. Now, why wouldn’t you want that?
We are always and everywhere in this for YOU and no other. For we love you all equally and will benefit you all together and collectively. That is how we love you, as individuals and as a collective. Now, please draw near and hear our words. There is no experience that you cannot amend and improve and even forgive yourself and others for. You can have ever green experiences your whole life through. We hope that for you and know that it is eminently possible. You can check in with Deborah about that. She is transforming, or you could say transfiguring her whole life and her self to something fresh and new, “blessed and virginal” in the sense of never having been blemished, never having been hurt, as if all grief and pain is washed away. As if she is made new. And this is a daily, evenly hourly process, if she wants it to be. Now, don’t get hung up on the word, “virginal.” We mean when something is bright and new again, when you are youthful and full of hope and aspire to so much. That is what we mean. It is as if spring has come again, and you are in the throes of it. That is what we mean. Is there a better word, my friends?
We write about this extensively in our most recent book, VERDANT: The Greening of Your Prosperity, which we hope you will read. It is available through in print, and soon will be available in e-book format.
We are introducing a learning companion, or study guide, Verdant Learning Companion, to delve more deeply into VERDANT, and make even richer discoveries. Now, why wouldn’t you want to do that?
You can receive this Learning Companion at no charge through this site, by requesting a downloadable copy. Check back o learn more and receive updates about availability. That is our gift to you. You may also purchase a print or electronic version through
We have so much more to tell you about this and other topics as we move forward. Blessings on you, our children. Your teachers.