“For you are transitioning always, now and forever, but the autumn symbolizes it more intensely in many ways.”
From where we stand, all is given. We are not here to play with you or to trivialize your lives or our work in any way. We are here for you. Can you grasp that? We know it is a difficult subject for many of you to reach outside of your comfort zones to realize that something more … much more, is out there. We would not lie to you.
Now, we know that you worry at this time of year with your projects and preparations for children returning to school. We know that you cannot be everywhere at once, but once again we urge you and even nicely (smiles) ask you to consider what you are doing, and why are you are doing it.
We love September and we think you do, too. For it is a season changer for many of you who reside, for example, in the north, yet gives you cause to worry about the outcomes of so many things. “Will it snow early? Will we have enough to pay the heating bill? Will we get away for a break during the winter? Will the holidays bring good things or stressful things? Will the spring dawn with me wishing I had done so much differently?”
We see you reflect so much of that in your annual list in January of New Year’s resolutions. These are good ideas at the time, but often wither on the vine, don’t they?
Well, we would like to offer you something more at this time of year to perk you up, and sort of keep you going. How about a fresh dollop of hope and looking forward to things to come? We think you will like that idea. For you are transitioning always, now and forever, but the autumn symbolizes it more intensely in many ways for many of you.
Now, what are we talking about? We mean that you get practiced at transition, but do you ever get good at it? Being able to run a mile through practice doesn’t mean that you do it consciously aware of what is good for you, or that you feel good afterward. Are there after effects beyond that? Painful arches, hurting ankles, and so forth. So mere practice does not always bring the results you want. You desire certain results, but do you get them? That’s what we are talking about.
We can help you to get to those desired results by helping you to aim your thoughts in that direction. When you aim in that sense and let go, whoosh! You get a result you want. Now, that’s not so hard and you have all been doing this for a long time. When, as a child, didn’t you want what you wanted in the moment? That’s what we mean.
Now, you can contour and shape your thoughts, and point them in the direction of things wanted, and avoid what is not wanted. That’s a good thing, right? How does this help you in September?
We think September is a mindful month, one wherein you are mindful of many things: “How did I do this year, so far? What will happen next? Am I prepared? Can I handle it?” We think you are much more stressed out about your lives and experiences that you are willing perhaps to see and admit.
What if September is more of a honoring time? A bringing in of sheaves … the harvest time. Now, that you can relate to! Especially those of you who farm or work on the land. Now, you understand our point and our symbolism. When do you celebrate the harvest of your lives and your days gone by? Not just this year to date, but all the years to date? When do you look back and say, “My God, thank you for what you have given me, bestowed on me, and let me be my whole life long. How can I thank you? What can I do for you and for others?” Now that is the kind of thinking we like.
We like when you pause and give thanks, and then give thought to others. Deborah, too, has been giving this more and more thought. A good register of where you are at, is how much you are concerning yourself with others and can think outside your own experience to theirs. How are you doing in that regard? Here we teach you to make more of your life experience, and now we are saying, hey, how about caring more about others! Well, they are connected, believe us.
When you are cognizant of the feelings, sufferings, and experiences of others, you are a binding source upon the planet, not unlike binders you add into your food preparation to hold ingredients together. We are not judging that choice to add binders here in this discussion, rather to get you see that you are a binding agent, too, upon the earth.
Your heartbeat, your heartfelt concern for others helps make the world go around. You are not separate from others, as we are always teaching. So when you go about your September duties and day-to-day experiences, remember to fold in a little love and concern for others. Sprinkle it with tolerance and patience, good humor and joy. See what happens.
You can still have a remarkable year ahead, though much of it has already passed, because you are infusing, or better said, ‘baking into it your intention’ of well-being, caring and love. What other ‘salt of the earth’ and some spices, too, are required, my friend?
Be a salt of the earth. Season your season with your love, your forbearance, and your joyful expectation of things to come. We would love this and will help you along the way.
Bring forth renewal and blossom, even unto your winter months in this way, and in your life, your loves, and your occupations, our dear ones.
We hope this helps you at this time. With love. –the teachers