What have you accomplished in the season you are in?
As August edges toward September and thoughts turn to fall, we would like you to apply your resources to thinking about what you have or are accomplishing in this season.
You have many resources open to you such as insight, inspiration, knowing, and hope to get you underway. You also have us helping you to know what is best for you, and to sort of nudge you along to those things. So, what are you doing about it?
Each season has its blooms and many fruits. It doesn’t matter where you are. In the south, north, east, or west. There will always be something blooming somewhere, and you can always find something blooming near you, whether inside or outside. How would you stop this dynamic? It’s everywhere around you. Birth and rebirth, bloom and fruit, wither and rebirth.
Now, are we making our point? How are your blooms, and what fruit are you bearing?
There is a seasonality to it. We know you are excited about the spring time. You party in your summers, and plan in the fall. You await great things in the winter. Now, that’s all fine, but again what are you doing with your precious, precious time, and how are your blooms faring?
Are you unfolding into something greater … the part of you that is awaiting your arrival to take up your flag, so to speak, and to reconnect with all that you wanted to do, go forth, and accomplish? Now, we aren’t telling you to lead movements or go into battle somewhere, just be you.
Let’s get started with a list. What did you accomplish in this season?
- Deborah traveled to see more of the Great Lakes with Paul.
- She spent time with loved ones and made new friends.
- She wrote down much more of our Simple, Beautiful Philosophy, and is bringing our latest book Verdant to conclusion.
- She brought messages of hope to others who are seeking.
- She added a new garden as a symbol of her commitment to renewed life and new blooms to old wood, which she laughingly considers herself to be.
Imagine the pleasure of watching hummingbirds and birds of all description alight in her garden, or on her stair rail to look at her and call out their thanks for adding more to All-that-is. Now, that is bringing something more to the equation!
We don’t mean to impugn what what you are bringing to the table, but what are you bringing? You must know, as you are the one doing it. So, evaluate and give yourself a big hug if you are making a difference, and if you are being all you can be in this season, and those to come.
Let your precious now flow into your moments arriving. We think you would agree with us that you want the best of your every ‘now moment’ to flow forward into what is arriving just ahead. How do you go about that?
Well, your precious now is just that … precious! You can’t undo what you have done if you are unhappy, but you can wash it clean, so to speak, to live another day and hopefully a better one. What does this mean?
When you are in your current moment, reflect on what you want to happen, to pitch your thoughts into that with energy and focus to bring them alive. Breathe life into the context you want to live, one with your dreams fulfilled. Evaluate if you are fretting or sad. Are you projecting sadness or worry onto your plans and hopes? When summer blooms begin to fade, do your dreams do likewise? Are you seeing a vista ahead that is gray and obscured, or full of light and energy? Are you looking forward to the next chapter of your life, and the next, and the next? This is the kind of thinking we hope we can encourage within you.
Seasonality is important. A lot of your hopes and dreams are contained in them, as you plan forward what you hope will occur in each, and if your wishes will be realized. “Will the family gather for the holidays? Will I get to take that trip I am planning? Will there be enough money to cover our needs? Will I fall in love?”
So much feels at stake for you. Yet what stake do you have in them? Do you ask what the worth and value to you of your plans are? Do you give your dearest wishes the attention and focus they deserve to have? Or are you pitching them into the dustbin before they have had the chance for fruition?
What fruit do you want to bear? You must be specfic about this and care about this intensely. For it is really is your work to unfold, flower, and bear fruit in your existence, because it is no one elses. You cannot put that work onto anyone else.
For all you are, and all you can do, you must place unfolding your petals and leaves at the top of your list. So, you are consciously doing this … unfolding into the experiences that you have long waited for and really are just out there, a little bit beyond … waiting for you.
You are already programmed to succeed at this. By that we mean, you have all the tools and helpers you could ever wish for. But you do have a way of getting in the way. You can nip your own bud, so to speak, or wilt before you’ve made the effort to unfold. Don’t let this happen. Instead, stay apace of your seasons, and bear your own and remarkable fruit! Look forward to each new day, and each new week, and finally each new season as the next stop in this exciting journey you are on.
You can know if you are unfolding in the way you wanted if you feel that you’re doing so, and you are receiving the confirmations you need along the way.
We wish you all the best of the season! –-Your teachers.