In our previous posts, we have been concerned to clarify where we are. Now that we are here with you, that hardly needs clarification, does it? Yet many of you are confused. There is no shame in that. You cannot conceive of a plan or a purpose that provides for you to be well-cared for and helped in everything you do. You prefer to do the hard work all yourself and then feel outside of the love and true care you really need. You ask, “Why do I have to do this all by myself? Does anyone hear my plaintiff call?”
We think you really like to feel like you are all on your own and that no one truly understands or ‘gets’ you. In that way, you can stay engrossed in yourself, rather than move on to things that are of real value and need in our world–all those who suffer, long to be helped, and to be heard. Where are you on that register and on that scale? Are you bending your ears to listen? Do you have the ears to hear?
How can you hear the plaintiff call of others when you are always looking in the mirror or preoccupied with yourself? We do not mean to hurt your feelings or impugn what you love about yourself, and the care and attention you give to yourself. No, we are here to set you on a straight and true course that will lead you where you need to go. You cannot get what you are seeking, either for the comfort, joy and arrival of the things you have been waiting for and hoping for if you are solely preoccupied with yourself. How could that be? You must look outward at your fellow humanity and ask, “How can I be of service? In what way can I function and change the direction of my thoughts to be of service to others?”
Without this, you may as well turn to stone for all the good it will do you. You will sit there like a fat and self-indulgent rock in the sun, wondering when it will all end and when you can get on with the life you really wanted in the first place. You will soon start to cast away all that you ever acquired and built up and placed in a storage cabinets in case you would need it someday, for your someday never comes. Do you understand? It never really comes, because you are so busy waiting for it. And you are not doing much else.
Now, you can start to actualize you and what you came forth to do. That is one reason we are here with you now, as we keep saying. What does that mean? Does it mean we were here and then we weren’t? Do we really come and go like that? Well, no. We are ALWAYS HERE and EVER WILL BE, but where are you?
Now that you think we are turning the tables on this discussion and maybe on you, well we aren’t. We are trying to get across an important principle, that of transfiguration.
What would it take for you to take on a new self? What would you need? Would you need a spiritual experience? Would you need to see something new that you can relate to and even desire to be? Would you need to be uplifted and embraced so as not to fall? What would you need, my children? In other words, transfiguration is something you may have to “figure out.” Forgive our pun, but we are in deep earnest about this subject. You simply cannot change WHO you are without a lot of groundwork, and we have been laying this out in our books so far. We have completed four, and there are more coming to help you on your passage to the better self you can be and the glorious shining life you deserve and really, we are not kidding here, truly want. We just know that about you. Why don’t you? Well, we think you do.
Now, transfiguration is a broad, deep and comprehensive topic. We will not attempt to cover that range here. And that is not a way to escape from getting across this important topic. No, we will need to devote a chapter or two in our writings about this to give you a lift up to what we mean by transfiguration. You will certainly need it, as few in your culture know what we mean and even fewer have attempted it with any success. Yet it is not so difficult. No, it is not.
You may have been operating under misconceptions that no longer serve you about this concept. We are here for the purpose, at least a small part of our work is to redefine and relocate on your map, so to speak, many of these lost or misplaced ideas.
It is truly time for a redefining and a re-knowing. By that we mean a fresh and new understanding, of what you have come to lean on as truth, which perhaps does not now bear the march of time as well as you thought. There is no error here, only how you think about things and adapt to new things. And your culture is moving along at a frenetic pace with old ideas, if you will, falling hard along the way.
Now, how do you pick them all up and resuscitate them? That would be hard indeed. And then if you do, do you know what you are doing? And then do you have the confidence to interpret them to others, or teach them, yet alone reflect them in your daily life?
Well, that is what we are here to do. We are here to give you new tools and fresh new insight into old and familiar ideas that have tarnished through the passage of time and, we would like to say, along with the attendant hypocrisy of so many in your culture who merely pretend to follow or understand such principles.
So much must be restated, but also in a context that you can really understand. We hope you begin to understand what we mean. We have so much more to tell you about this, dear ones. Read on in future posts. the teachers