You are never alone, never bereft, and never without aid.
Draw on these truths and strengths now.

Remember how important and effective you are and can be by reducing the fear of others and increasing a sense of well-being at the same time. No small miracle in these times! In this way, you are profoundly benefiting others. It may seem easy to speak or write these words, but here we are drawing upon centuries of pain, fear, and turmoil mostly created by others around us, and we have been its unwitting victims. Where we had the ability to move mountains was with our faith and knowing that we couldn’t really be harmed unless we allowed ourselves to be so.
Now, we offer this wisdom to you. Know that despite all that you hear about this virus, you are still you and must be you through all time, and there are many agencies out there seen and unseen available to help you so that you are never alone, never bereft, and never without aid.
Where you draw on these truths and strengths now, you are better equipped to face what you must face. Now you are assisted, and your hand held. Isn’t that encouraging? Extend this out to all you love, and envision their well-being for them, too. Please return often to read more. We are in this with you, and you are never forgotten or alone. — your teachers