We love to have fun with what we fondly term “mind games.” They are playful and lighthearted, and not meant to harm you in any way. But they are nevertheless serious work.
We offer them to benefit you. Here is one called “Take Note” to begin to condition you to your work to align yourself to words, meanings, and energies that benefit you. Remember the best way to be in all things is open, receiving and benefiting. We integrate this into the exercise. Here are some simple steps:
- Prepare by getting a pen or pencil, notepad or several sheets of paper. You could use a voice recorder for this exercise, too. Relax and let your mind unwind. Sit comfortably or stroll somewhere, preferably where there are few distractions and you can let go. Deborah works at this when she is swimming or meditating. She remembers and make notes after swimming, which is a little harder. So we recommend that you are somewhere comfortable where you can make notes in the moment.
- Open yourself by emptying your mind. Set forth the intention to notice what flows in and to benefit from this activity. As we like to say, the best way to be at all times is open, receiving, and benefiting. Next, ask to receive some inspiration and in-flow from us for this activity, such as assist you in starting off the process by moving along some words toward you. Check in with yourself to see if you are letting go and allowing words or phrases to flow in. This can take a little practice as you clear the closet of your mind — extracting the bits and pieces of everyday matters and errata that collect in your mind and seem to bump into or overshadow your mindful you – emptied, awaiting and receiving.
- Receive--We think you will start to notice words bubbling to the surface of your mind, possibly one at a time, and you should write them down, staying calm and present in the moment. The words may surprise you at first. “What’s happening?” you might ask. However, there is nothing to fear, just some words popping into your mind to say, “Hello” in no particular order, but we think you will start to notice some patterns. Some are helpful beacons from us, and we think they are noteworthy. Some will repeat. Some will seem to come in pairs, like twins, with same prefixes for example and possibly with related meanings. Single words or whole phrases might bubble up. Either way, it’s fine. Don’t judge or edit, just let them flow. Understand the source of these words is various. Many are drawn from what is present in your thoughts and mind, and what is percolating to the top. Some are pushed forward from us to get you thinking or started. But you must not prejudge or assume what the source is … from us or you. For that work is part of this exercise.When you have completed a list of whatever length, and you feel ready to do so, go ahead and read them back to yourself.
- Match your feelings to the words, either what you felt at the time when you received a word, or as you read each back to yourself now. What feelings or emotions surface around these words or phrases? Reflect on these. Now, match the words to your wishes, or your intentions for your life. Which words seem to speak to those wishes or intentions?
- Draw some conclusions. Words are powerful emissaries. You know what you are thinking about when you think about words. Which ones feel important? Which ones align with you inner being or heart? Which ones seem dissonant or even repugnant? Words are, after all, how we reach out to you to connect and communicate initially. And the philosophy we are teaching you about is made up of just that … words. As you do this exercise, you will notice words of the philosophy flowing in. In contrast, you will notice words that seem in opposition to or dissonant with the philosophy. These words of contrast assist in teaching you about the philosophy. Think of the word, “punish.” It is not of the philosophy to punish yourself or others, but we discuss this concept of punishing or punishment in order to make this point. Do you grasp our meaning here and what we mean by words of the philosophy, or contrasting and in dissonance with the philosophy which we use to teach you about the philosophy? Here is a simple example. Let’s say you are thinking about the Golden Rule. You might register words that you associate with it, such as “mercy,” or “tolerance.” You might also register words that you associate as being in dissonance with it such as: “revenge,” or “dominate.” If words seem confusing or in any way repugnant, you must ask what YOU are bringing to the table. What are you offering that is dissonant or offensive? We are not in the “business” of upsetting you. We have other things to do than scare you or repel you. So what are YOU injecting into the conversation, so to speak? You must be mindful of this, as it may point to so much that you are injecting into your daily thoughts and activities which do not serve you. You can contour what comes into your mind as being helpful and drawing you further into alliance with what is best for you.
- Reflect – Your reactions to words can be helpful emotional registers of what is going on within you. We have only words with which to teach you, at least initially. (In time, you can become practiced at receiving energetic transmissions or communications from us.) Thus, words are powerful emissaries.
- Benefit – As you work or apply the philosophy, you should expect to become more sensitized to this. Our words to you, just like all our communications, will become more powerful and you will begin to equate our words with powerful learning that sets a vibration going or energetic field, if you like. Thus, you will learn to equate our words with actual energetic transmissions you can connect with, or attach to, to experience greater expansion. Applying these words of teaching can become almost second nature, and that is a good thing. For it is most likely to occur at the point when “Yes, this is really happening” and the veracity of these words come together, or as Deborah likes to say the “actu-acity” strikes you. You will feel, in a sense, compelled to investigate further. We do not mean anything is forced upon you. But we think that when anything is presented as being very good for you, aligned with what you want, and eminently applicable, you will probably want to try it out, and it will feel indicated as the best choice going forward, one of our favorite words! It becomes easier and clearer as you go along.
So, this game is to start to condition you to your work to align yourself to words, meanings, and energies that benefit you. Have you understood all the meanings of the words? Have you thought about them in all the contexts? What are you adding to the meaning, and what are you reacting to? Is it a word at variance with the philosophy and why? What you are bringing to the table that might be influencing what you are hearing and how you are reacting? You might wish to repeat this exercise periodically to reflect on words of value to you.
There is no judgement on our part about how or whether you complete this exercise, and what you learn from it. We offer this as an exercise on your road to self-discovery and expansion. May worlds of joy be awaiting you at the end! —Your teachers