Offering thoughts of benefit and well-being.
Now is your time to be calm and draw your breath of life from the source of all good and all God.
We are not by nature doubters. How could we be? We must believe as if there is no other thing, no other activity, and no other purpose worth the doing. We are, you could say, adamant about that. What good will it do to teach what we are teaching and then say, ‘Hey, there is this one caveat … one exception to the whole deal'”? What if we started to list what doesn’t pertain or isn’t true about what we are saying and in any given situation? What good would that do you, or us, for that matter?
We are not here lying to you or trying to convince you of something that is not good for you. We have no axes to grind, and we are not followers of some sect or observance that makes no sense either to you or your society. No, we are here now with you and we have you by the hand, you could say, or you could think about it that way. We have you by the hand, as did your loving parents or other guides and helpers in your life. You know who they are. You can give in to that impulse to have your hand taken, and be led out into the sunlight once again. You do not have to feel any shame or even any confusion. For we are with you now. We are never separate from you and we never leave.
But what do we do when you are in the trenches, so to speak? Do we abandon you, and go off somewhere and have our nails done or hair arranged, or order up a new set of clothes, or feast on a meal somewhere, and then return pompous and sure that you have been just fine and didn’t need us, and then arrogantly ask, “Well how is it going? Did you figure out everything you needed to? Did you get what you needed and wanted? Did you take care of any grief or worry?” That is not how we operate. We just simply are. We never vary and never leave you, and there is no variation in that truth.
Now, can you believe that? If we tell you that belief is bedrock, as we have clarified in our works, how can we contradict that by saying that belief is a variable and you can accept things or not, but whatever you choose, things will simply go your way if you want them to? That is not a way to go forward. We do not want that for you. You must commit something of yourself to the process and that commitment should be to believe in something, whatever it is. And we hope it will be something for good and for the prosperous caring and well-being of all those around you.
When you are first in your mind with care and concern for your own blessed and grace-filled well-being, then you can outstretch that well-being to others. You can benefit the whole world in that way as you would see, and as we are teaching.
Why can’t we reach you? If you are unreachable, which is really impossible, and the possibility really doesn’t exist because all is this dynamic of change and expansion, and you are part of that. So, how could you stay in just one place, believing just one thing for all time? Even our philosophy must be tested, and you must continue to test and adapt to the times and situations you are in. Although all we tell you is true, and true for all time, even you must admit that your experiences vary and change, and feel, and look different. Now, don’t they? But the truth behind them never varies.
That is an all-important principle to believe in and to grasp. You must try to grasp this. You could choose just to accept it, and let it roll around a bit in your mind and life to see how it pans out. Or you could apply it to all that you ever think about, and care about, and see how this holds true for you.
Either way, we know that what we teach is bedrock truth, and is the basis for your reality because there is nothing more real, no …. nowhere in that great and vast universe out there! There is nothing more real.
So how and why do you attribute so much power to just one person, or one event, or one condition? Why would you do that? You must see that we are all in this together, and no one has supremacy or can topple the world or even topple you, if you do not allow it to happen. And that work must start way back somewhere in your heart and mind.
Time is not important so that if you missed out on this education as a child, you can still garner all the knowledge, help, and support you need now, no matter your age, no matter where you are, and what is happening. You can start applying this truth now to get the results you need, no matter who is in charge or what is happening to you.
We have no axes to grind as we have said, for we are not in this for gain, but for you and your well-being. Have you never tested a proposition, theory, or teaching? Did you not ask first, “What’s in it for me? What good will it do to focus on the whole world, if I die to myself, or shrivel in the process where I am no longer me, no longer important, and no longer of worth or value?” And so forth and more views similar to this?
That is what we are driving at—- no proposition, however worthy or meritorious sounding or appearing it may be, can undermine the essential “you” and your great value and validity in all things. For you are our dearest children.
There is no going back on that proposition, my children. You are ours, and we are yours in the greatest sense of things. We are in this together and can never let each other down, not in any meaningful way. For you are eternal, and you are inspired by All-that-is. And you are part of a greater whole than ever you can imagine right now. For you are doing important work right here and right now … just being here and wishing to be of benefit.
So, keep offering those thoughts of benefit and well-being, and draw us close and sure to your hearts, and no individual can prevail above that or steer you away from your astounding course and trajectory as God-filled and light-filled beings on your way to something better every moment you are, and in every breath you draw in. That is our promise to you.
For those of you who worry and project worry onto situations, now is your time to be calm and draw your breath of life from the source of all good and all God. We know you know what we mean.
We are here with you now, my children. Now, prosper and be well, and be all that you are designed to be in the greater manner of things. And we will watch with adulation and joy at your recovery and your ascendancy to all that you can be, must be, and WILL! —–the teachers.