Create what you most want. Get wrapped up in your intention.
Something you wake to and have faith in, that’s what we want for you.
We’re wondering with you what will happen next in your lives. What are you the keeper of, if not yourself? When do you come to terms with your higher self? We may be coming across as negative or maybe even too inquisitive, but we are for you. Oh yes, we really are, and only want what’s best for you! Never lose faith in that.
Now, we want you to think about your day as having a sort of program attached to it. Something you wake to and have faith in and know it will work for you. That’s what we want for you. If you think we are making this up, we’ll we are. We’re trying to roll with you and how you think about things. So, if you wake up on a morning and wonder how your day will go, then we think you will profit from this little post that can change your world. It really can!
What do we mean by that? We mean you can get more creative in the sense you are going with it, rolling along with your ideas, even your mood, but you are adding something more. You are engaging with what we like to call a program … a program of thought, a self-organizing premise that says, I can follow a pattern I have established for myself, and see where I can go with it. I can achieve a higher place … more what I want to achieve, and go to bed smiling, as it were. That’s what we want for you.
A self organizing premise that says … I can achieve a higher place.
Get organized
Why do we call it a program? Doesn’t that sound a little formal if not off-putting altogether? No, that’s not our intention, we are trying to clue you in to the possibility of structured thinking, and having faith in the continuity of things around you supporting you with purpose wrapped up in your intention. Can you begin to understand that? Can you conceive of a big program in the sky, for instance, that beckons you or takes shape for you that says, try this out and see if it fits into your day, your life, and the way you would like to see things.
Do you feel that it might be a good idea to get organized, and give this a chance? Perhaps you will come to better understanding about how everything works. No, it’s not slapdash, a gamble, or precarious. That’s not what the universe is about. It’s unified, if anything, and is looking for, or is in alignment with, as another way to say it, clear intentions clearly launched that say, I will do this. I wish to accomplish that. I’m on my way to this. I see myself as achieving that. I’m feeling good now, and expect more of the same.
Now, everything can line up like so many bowling pins ready for you to make your powerful and expert strike, as a way to see it. Would you like that, and could you go with that line of thought and that kind of thinking? That’s what we’re trying to say to you, and to come across with.
A giant billboard
Where you doubt, is where you overthink so much. No, we aren’t saying you shouldn’t use your mentality in all this, but to begin to see the shape of higher things, things you may have missed or not noticed along the way. Can a day pass when you don’t wonder about this? Wondering if everyone is just this side of missing out on the big picture. We know you think this when you hear of bad news or a missed step that could have been avoided. What were they thinking about? Then you might apply that thinking and ask, what might I be missing in this moment? Could I be making my children more safe, doing more for myself and my partner, looking ahead, reading signposts more faithfully? That’s what we mean.
Now, we are offering you a giant billboard with the words, Think Program! A viable program or other means you think up, of offering your thoughts at the start of the day, for example, of what you would like to experience and how you will arrive there. What elements around you and resources available to you will you use to accomplish this, or hope to use? That’s what we’re talking about.
Now, will you try this? We will write more about this, so keep tuned in to learn more. For now, just rest easy, and give this some thought, perhaps run it up the flagpole to see what you might discover.
With love, your teachers
For more on this topic, read our post, Another Day
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